In this article, we will see how to get your Social Security certificate in France

🧾 How to Get Your Coverage Certificate

If you are a student or an employee, you might sometimes be asked to get your French Social Security coverage certificate (“Attestation de droits”).

To get it, you will need to have an Ameli account. Here are the steps to download your certificate:

  1. Go to
  2. Login
  3. Click on “Mes DΓ©marches”
  4. Click on “Attestation de droits”
  5. Click on “Demander mon attestation”
  6. Click on the link to download the PDF

πŸŽ“ If you are a foreign student, and you only have a temporary social security number, you can access your temporary coverage certificate on your account in the section “Available certificates”.


To see the guide about healthcare in France, you can check this article:

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