πŸ—Ό Paris πŸš‡ Transportation

✈️ Travel by Plane in France

Buying flight tickets has never been that easy with all the flight comparators available in the market. In this article, I will show you the best tips to buy your flight tickets. Let’s go!

πŸ›’ How to Buy Your Tickets

Here is the best way to buy your flight tickets:

google travel logo Google Travel
google travel screenshot flights
πŸ”Ž Compare flight tickets and explore destinations

πŸ‘ The Best Tips to Buy Your Tickets

πŸ›’ Buy with travel brokers
πŸ€‘ Get the cheapest flight tickets

πŸ’³ Pay with a premium card
visa premier card
🧳 Get a free travel insurance

✈️ Get reimbursed for delayed flights
πŸ€‘ Get compensation after 3h+ of delay


You have now all the tips I use when I buy my flight tickets. Good luck πŸ€‘!

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